Now available in our DUM STORE! DUM DUM Issue No. 6: REST & RESIST is a literary survival kit for these dark political times, an answer our prompt--what do you need to survive?
Welcome back to to The New York Crimes: a modern radio play by written and recorded by Kristen Felicetti of The Bushwick Review. In this second episode, Albert and Wallace attempt to take acting lessons from Eva, an aspiring actress and fellow detective.
STANDING IN LINE is an unpleasant reality of going out anywhere in L.A. We don't dwell on it, but we'll spend hours standing around on the street in our hoochie-best waiting for some chump to give us permission to enter. They are the static moments we try to skip, that purgatorial buffer between going out...
"Waxing Philosophical, L.A.” is DUM DUM’s monthly column written by Christina Gubala, co-founder of L.A.’s premier cassette-tape label, Complicated Dance Steps. A die-hard vinyl collector, you can find her spinning records at local bars near you.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 Welcome, folks, to The New York Crimes: a modern radio play by written and recorded by Kristen Felicetti of The Bushwick Review, our zine soulmate over in Brooklyn. Referencing the old-timey radio plays of America's past, Felicetti brings a Bushwick artist's bent to a 21-cast production by hard-boiling her characters...
Welcome to ZINETERVIEWS, an ongoing feature where DUM DUM collaborator Bryxan Amsterdam conducts an interview with a band via text message, then creates a one-off handwritten zine. Dig the most recent conversation with Slim Twig, hailing from Toronto with his killer sonic pleasure pastiches.
DUM DUM would like to welcome back Jessica Garrison as the resident writer participating in our very first run of web serials. We close out this serial with Garrison's "Peaking" from her $1 Books series--just in time for Dollar Stories LIVE this Sunday, featuring actors performing 5 of her short stories at The Federal Bar in...
Stop on by The Hedgehog this afternoon for a reading put together by Dan Collins, L.A. RECORD New Music Editor. Your loving DUM DUM Editor, Taleen Kalenderian, will be reading some first draft fiction amongst some awesomely talented locals. It all kicks off around 3pm!
For our second to last session, we're hitting up to the spankin' new and incredibly generous bookstore The Pop-Hop for an installment of DUM DUM's Tour of L.A. workshop series. It's gonna be free. There's gonna be writing. There's gonna be, well, shopping. But most of all, a SKILLSHARE.
"Waxing Philosophical, L.A.” is DUM DUM’s monthly column written by Christina Gubala, co-founder of L.A.’s premier cassette-tape label, Complicated Dance Steps. A die-hard vinyl collector, you can find her spinning records at local bars near you.
DUM DUM would like to welcome back Jessica Garrison as the resident writer participating in our spankin' new online serials. Each month, we'll introduce a new short story by Garrison, serializing short works from her $1 Books series.
Thursday, June 14, 2012 For the second installment of DUM DUM Zine's "Tour of L.A." free literary workshopping, Grow Your Words was the most free-form of them all. We met by the L.A. River on a sunny Saturday afternoon and began to smear patches of moss in the shape of sentences--a veritable performance of plant graffiti....