Issue No. 7: QUAR + TIME Now available online!

Issue No. 7: QUAR + TIME Now available online!

Our first digital issue is designed to print-at-home so that you may display the zine in tiles, unbound, on your stay-at-home wall.
Issue No. 6 Now available online!

Issue No. 6 Now available online!

Now available in our DUM STORE! DUM DUM Issue No. 6: REST & RESIST is a literary survival kit for these dark political times, an answer our prompt--what do you need to survive?
Issue No. 3: PUNKS & Scholars

Issue No. 3: PUNKS & Scholars

Issue No. 3: "PUNKS & Scholars" is an experimental issue containing writing and multimedia objects that fit inside a 45" record mailer box.


Issue No. 2 is a literature and music album release called "Lightness & Darkness," released in audio form.
Issue No. 1: CITIES & STATES

Issue No. 1: CITIES & STATES

Issue No. 1: CITIES & STATES was released in Los Angeles in the Fall of 2011, printed on a 17x22 broadside on newsprint.
Featured on DUM DUM
A Farewell to PUNKS & Scholars

A Farewell to PUNKS & Scholars

We stopped by The Pop-Hop a few weekends ago for the final celebration of our 3rd issue, PUNKS & Scholars.
The very place our DUM box was screen printed, it was only appropriate to cycle back and bid the issue farewell with all our pals. Thank you so much to everybody who was present in...
PANPHOBIA by Liska Jacobs

PANPHOBIA by Liska Jacobs

A limited edition zine made for FEMME SOUP, an all female mixed media art and music festival taking place this Saturday, April 6 at Nomad Studios in Los Angeles.
The "Panphobia" zine will be available for sale at DUM DUM Zine's table at the event, and will be displayed in the gallery alongside art from...
Keynote, A Punk Chain by Fred Sasaki

Keynote, A Punk Chain by Fred Sasaki

DUM DUM Zine is back after our Issue No. 3 release with a little April Fool's Day nightcap, featuring a punk chain by the inimitable Fred Sasaki.
PUNKS & Scholars: Official Party Photos

PUNKS & Scholars: Official Party Photos

Oh what a DUM night. Photos by AlextheBrown! For even more photos, check out L.A. Record's LIVE REVIEW, and Summer Fun Time Society Photo Booth Pix (by Christina "Yo Teach" Nersesian).
Tonight's the night to Get DUM!

Tonight’s the night to Get DUM!

GET DUM with us tonight; check out our Facebook invite. It all kicks off at 7pm with a DJ, readings at 7:30, and the first band at 8:15. See you on the flipside, Dummy.
Brute Forcing Damien Hirst by Absis Minas

Brute Forcing Damien Hirst by Absis Minas

This contract comes to you from Issue 3 contributor Absis Minas, whose piece "Conversation about Pies, War & Suicide" appears in PUNKS & Scholars. The punks in us had to post this after having spent 4 days straight tabling oh so scholarly at MoCA last week.
Issue 3 Flyer Contest Winners!

Issue 3 Flyer Contest Winners!

Friday, February 8, 2013 Each day since our debut at LA Art Book Fair, we've been posting "Letters from our Objects," wherein we ask the creators of our Issue 3 objects to comment on their contribution to the zine. With only a day left until our festival-sized release party at Echo Country Outpost, we now give you...
Letters from our Objects: Talking Hues

Letters from our Objects: Talking Hues

Rebekah Weikel is a publisher and project curator. She operates Penny-Ante Editions out of Los Angeles, and her contribution to DUM DUM Issue No. 3 is this lovely cassette recording.
Letters from our Objects: Palm Readings

Letters from our Objects: Palm Readings

An Angelino artist with an eye for architecture and design, Pedro has been part of the DUM DUM initiative since inception. Plus we’ve been in love with his photo collection + caption series entitled Palm Readings, so we asked him to design an object from his year-long journey of documenting palm trees using only a handful of...
Dum Dum Pops: Hannah K. Lee's Wrapper Collection

Dum Dum Pops: Hannah K. Lee’s Wrapper Collection

Each copy of DUM DUM Issue No. 3 comes with a Dum Dum Pop inside. The raddest coincidence ever, since we recently discovered that our official logo illustrator, Hannah K. Lee, collects wrappers! Here's a slideshow of her scans.
Letters from our Objects: Talking About Art While Pooping

Letters from our Objects: Talking About Art While Pooping

Poop and Art?! Our friend and artist Suzanne Oshinsky's been asking people to talk about their bathroom art for her contribution to Issue 3, Talking About Art While Pooping. An interview series that asks people to discuss the way in which they curate their bathroom is exactly the kind of low and high brow...

Photos from our LAABF Afterparty at Mandrake

Photos from our LAABF Afterparty at Mandrake

We guess we had some swagger last week, being invited to throw together an afterparty for the ultra arty LA Art Book Fair at Mandrake Bar and getting the whole shebang previewed on LAist. But as you'll see in the gallery below, there was NO DANCING ALLOWED.