Posts tagged "zine"
"fucked-up hashtags in bloom" by AJ Urquidi

“fucked-up hashtags in bloom” by AJ Urquidi

AJ Urquidi is a heterogeneous poet of Monterey, Los Angeles, and NYC. His writing has appeared in various journals, including Faultline, Verdad, Chiron Review, and Foothill. A Gerald Locklin Writing Prize winner, AJ is co-founder of online journal indicia and has led workshops at Cal State Long Beach and Beyond Baroque.
"xanax ballad #1" by Lindsey Siferd

“xanax ballad #1” by Lindsey Siferd

Lindsey Siferd is a college admissions counselor moonlighting as a poet. She has previously been published in the Montucky Review, Cimarron Review, and the Atlanta Review. She lives in Brooklyn and can be found on Twitter at @lindseytalks.
Ode to a Bodega by Shannon Nico Shreibak

Ode to a Bodega by Shannon Nico Shreibak

Shannon Nico Shreibak is a Chicago-based writer, music publicist, and founder of Pulp Cult Writers' Collective. Photo by Yuan Tang.
Finding Nature in the City by Laura Buccieri

Finding Nature in the City by Laura Buccieri

Laura Buccieri is a poet living in NYC. Her chapbook, On Being Mistaken, is forthcoming in 2017. Artwork by Jack Felice.
The Problem With Halloween by Jay Summer

The Problem With Halloween by Jay Summer

Jay Vera Summer is a writer and artist living in Florida. She loves animals, plants, and water.
DUM DUM Zine is now open for visual submissions!

DUM DUM Zine is now open for visual submissions!

After more than 5 years of accepting literary submissions, we’re now opening up our parameters to visual art!
Armillaria by C.C. Hannett

Armillaria by C.C. Hannett

C.C. Hannett writes about cobweb grottos in the PNW. He lives with his wife and two cats. Photo illustration by Jessica Herrera

#DUMjams Mini Mix: Midsummer Nightmare

#DUMjams Mini Mix: Midsummer Nightmare

Embrace June Gloom seeping through July and into your August, and don't worry, you're just having a Midsummer Nightmare.
Flora by Lucas Bailor

Flora by Lucas Bailor

Lucas Bailor is an emerging writer originally from Moreno Valley, CA. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Angel City Review, SHARKPACK Poetry Review, and POST(blank).
Stainless Steel Transubstantiation by Christopher Porcaro

Stainless Steel Transubstantiation by Christopher Porcaro

Christopher Porcaro is an artist from Los Angeles. His first collection of poetry," Movable Parts," will be available soon. Instagram: @altar_cola
Lost In Visceral Bliss by D. Dallas

Lost In Visceral Bliss by D. Dallas

D.Dallas studied Creative Writing and Philosophy at NYU’s Gallatin School. She has been published in Mud Fish, Nocturnal Lyric, The Café Review, The New York Quarterly 34th Parallel, Anti-Heroin Chic, Vending Machine and The Opiate.
Text Message Interview with The Regrettes by Julia Gibson

Text Message Interview with The Regrettes by Julia Gibson

Welcome back to Text Message Interviews! This month we interviewed local LA band The Regrettes as they get ready to bring their sweet, smart, and spunky #DUMjams to venues all along the West Coast during the month of November.