Danielle Damico is a video artist and mother of 16 house plants. She lives and works in Baltimore, MD. Artwork by David Rodriguez
We're back, DUMMIES! Welcome back to our quarterly music & reading event hosted on the charming patio of Stories Books & Cafe...
AJ Urquidi is a heterogeneous poet of Monterey, Los Angeles, and NYC. His writing has appeared in various journals, including Faultline, Verdad, Chiron Review, and Foothill. A Gerald Locklin Writing Prize winner, AJ is co-founder of online journal indicia and has led workshops at Cal State Long Beach and Beyond Baroque.
Lindsey Siferd is a college admissions counselor moonlighting as a poet. She has previously been published in the Montucky Review, Cimarron Review, and the Atlanta Review
. She lives in Brooklyn and can be found on Twitter at @lindseytalks.
In a city inundated with sights and sounds, where there is no shortage of things to do and people to meet, I want to know–where in Los Angeles does literature go and where does Literature come from?
Yvonne Amey is a poet and artist living in Orlando, Florida. Her poems, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in Vine Leaves Journal, The Cypress Dome, and The Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles. Artwork by Ariel Kessler.
LM Rivera lives in Santa Fe, NM. His chapbook THE LITTLE LEGACIES is available from Glo Worm Press and his first full-length book, The Drunkards, is forthcoming from Omnidawn. Artwork by Tamsen Wojtanowski.
Shannon Nico Shreibak is a Chicago-based writer, music publicist, and founder of Pulp Cult Writers' Collective. Photo by Yuan Tang.
It’s December, DUMmies, which means that 2017 is rapidly coming to a close. We created Hi’s and Byes just for the occasion: a collection of hand-picked #DUMjams from local artists to help you say BYE to the old year and HI to some cool new music. Listen below, and follow DUM DUM Zine’s spankin’ new...
In a city so inundated with sights and sounds, where there is no shortage of things to do and people to meet, I want to know–where in Los Angeles does literature go? Take Me With You is a new DUM DUM series that pairs a book or a zine with a sensory experience. In our...
Laura Buccieri is a poet living in NYC. Her chapbook, On Being Mistaken, is forthcoming in 2017. Artwork by Jack Felice.