In her poem, “Lipchitz,” Gertrude Stein wrote:

“When I know him I look at him for / him and I look at him for him and I look at / him for him when I know him. / I like you very much.”

Created entirely in the lo-fi of Microsoft Word, the following vispo spreads are from Paul Siegell’s manuscript, JACQUES LIPCHITZ, which is a book-length visual love poem built upon typographical recreations of the artist’s sculptural biography, and where appropriate, some of his story as well.

Paul Siegell 1 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 2 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 3 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 4 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 5 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 6 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 7 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 8 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 9 Jacques Lipchitz Paul Siegell 10 Jacques Lipchitz

Paul Siegell is the author of wild life rifle firejambandbootleg and Poemergency Room. A senior editor at Painted Bride Quarterly, he has contributed to American Poetry ReviewBlack Warrior Review, and many other fine journals. Kindly find more of his work–and concrete poetry t-shirts–at and @paulsiegell.


Tuesday, August 2nd 2016