“Walls” by Dylan Angell
Though we are no longer speaking,I am still learning your language.Our countries have made a historyof leaning against one anotherwithout looking each other in the eye.In spite of the places where the sweat blends,those who come from where you areoften arrive here with no welcome.Muted by the attempt of a new life,they learn to harmonise...

{marginalia} anatomy of an ocean by Valerie Witte
the blue dissolving / skeletons / a swimmingfin, a way to meet a woman was a visibleglow, a face I longed for, falling into trencheslike a heart steeped / out of reach in my ownbody / symmetry of a set of arms modifiedas a mantle is edible, especially indelible as letterscolor-fast, suspended bleeding at the...

ISSUE 6 PREVIEW: “Mississippi Moves Through Me” by Kathryn Lee Willgus
Kathryn Lee Willgus is a recent New Orleans transplant and middle school English teacher from Charlottesville, Virginia. Kathryn’s work appears in Anti-Heroin Chic, Coldnoon, Moonglasses Magazine and DUM DUM Zine Issue 6: Rest & Resist.

“transmutation altar :: winter & transmutation altar :: lust” by N. Goth
N. Goth is a desert rat who lives and writes in Tucson, AZ. Her chapbook Aluminum Necropolis was published by horse less press in 2016. Photography by Matt Montella.

“Paris Diary” by Keri Smith
Keri Smith played in a bunch of punk bands and lived for a time in Gainesville, Fl. She then decided her only way out was to get an MFA in Poetry from the New School. It sort of worked. Her first book is out on Hanging Loose Press. Photo art by Miles Marsico.

“Birthday Poem with Saturn and Eight of Swords” by Sarah Stockton
Sarah Stockton lives in Southern California, where she writes and teaches middle school. Illustration by Andy Lyon.

“please answer in your own time” by Meg Matthias
Meg Matthias is a multi-genre writer whose work can be found in Rookie, Indiana Review, and more. Photo art by Miles Marsico.

“Bone Spurs” by Adam Stutz
Adam Stutz is is the co-managing editor of 1913 Press and the co-curator of the Non-Standard Lit Reading Series. Photo art by Rebecca Peloquin.

“Fertile Devices” by Frannie Comstock
Frannie Comstock is a poetess/comedienne/whatever-the-patronizing-feminine-version-of-writer-is. Photo art by Rebecca Peloquin.

After the Fourth by Howie Good
Howie Good is the author of The Loser’s Guide to Street Fighting, winner of the 2017 Lorien Prize for Poetry from Thoughtcrime Press.

“Brutalist Elegy” by Colton McLaughlin
Colton McLaughlin recently graduated from Alvernia University with BA in English. He now resides and works in Washington, D.C. Illustration by Andy Lyon.

“objectum sexual” by Danielle Damico
Danielle Damico is a video artist and mother of 16 house plants. She lives and works in Baltimore, MD. Artwork by David Rodriguez