Issue No. 4: LOST & BOUND

Issue No. 4: LOST & BOUND

For DUM DUM Zine's Issue No. 4, we collected an array of “lost” or discarded objects from free bins, lost and founds, and other public places in Los Angeles.
Issue No. 4 PREVIEW: "A Series of Micro-Fictions" by Thais Benoit

Issue No. 4 PREVIEW: “A Series of Micro-Fictions” by Thais Benoit

Welcome to a sneak preview of  Issue No. 4, LOST & BOUND: featuring a wonderful micro-fiction series by Thais Benoit, written in response to our lipstick prompt. And since we wouldn't like you to have to cut up your spankin' new copy of Issue No. 4, we've provided this interactive web version for you below. Cut...
DUM DUM Zine Issue No. 4 Release Party: LOST & BOUND

DUM DUM Zine Issue No. 4 Release Party: LOST & BOUND

Here it is, Dummies. Your invite to the Issue 4 release party, featuring readers from the issue, DJ DM Collins of L.A. Record, as well as performances by Alina Cutrono (Body Parts), TÜLIPS and HOTT MT!
Get DUM or Get LOST:Submit to Issue No. 4

Get DUM or Get LOST:Submit to Issue No. 4

For our fourth issue, we’ve collected an array of “lost” or discarded objects from free bins, lost and founds, and other public places in Los Angeles. This time, we’d like to turn objects themselves into prompts for our issue submissions: objects as a catalyst for story, action, thought and fiction. The selected narratives will be...
Announcing our 4th Issue: Lost & BOUND

Announcing our 4th Issue: Lost & BOUND

As a prelude to our fourth issue, the staff at DUM DUM Zine got our hands on some boxes of "lost" books from The Last Bookstore Downtown and are giving them a chance to continue telling their story (and making new ones) at Grand Park's Little Libraries. Issue 4 submissions will open October 14th....
Issue No. 3: PUNKS & Scholars

Issue No. 3: PUNKS & Scholars

Issue No. 3: "PUNKS & Scholars" is an experimental issue containing writing and multimedia objects that fit inside a 45" record mailer box.
Issue No. 3: First preview

Issue No. 3: First preview

Issue 3 debuts today at LA Art Book Fair! DUM DUM will be teasing you a bit each day (starting now!) in anticipation for our upcoming release February 9th.

PUNKS & Scholars debut at LA Art Book Fair, plus afterparty!

PUNKS & Scholars debut at LA Art Book Fair, plus afterparty!

Issue 3: it's finally here!. Come to ZINE WORLD on opening night at Printed Matter's LA Art Book Fair for the debut of DUM DUM Issue No. 3: PUNKS & Scholars. Hold the zine in the flesh, pick up your purchased copy early, and meet your zinemakers along with 220 local + international publications. Then stop by Mandrake...


Issue No. 2 is a literature and music album release called "Lightness & Darkness," released in audio form.
Issue No. 1: CITIES & STATES

Issue No. 1: CITIES & STATES

Issue No. 1: CITIES & STATES was released in Los Angeles in the Fall of 2011, printed on a 17x22 broadside on newsprint.