“Fertile Devices” by Frannie Comstock
Frannie Comstock is a poetess/comedienne/whatever-the-patronizing-feminine-version-of-writer-is. Photo art by Rebecca Peloquin.

Text Message Interview with Beth Pickens, by Taleen Kali
Welcome back to DUM DUM Zine’s Text Message Interviews! This month we interview Beth Pickens, L.A.-based consultant dedicated to supporting and empowering artists, most recently through her self-help book, Your Art Will Save Your Life, out now by Feminist Press.

“Brutalist Elegy” by Colton McLaughlin
Colton McLaughlin recently graduated from Alvernia University with BA in English. He now resides and works in Washington, D.C. Illustration by Andy Lyon.

Terrible Librarian by Yvonne Amey
Yvonne Amey is a poet and artist living in Orlando, Florida. Her poems, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in Vine Leaves Journal, The Cypress Dome, and The Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles. Artwork by Ariel Kessler.

untitled poem series by LM Rivera
LM Rivera lives in Santa Fe, NM. His chapbook THE LITTLE LEGACIES is available from Glo Worm Press and his first full-length book, The Drunkards, is forthcoming from Omnidawn. Artwork by Tamsen Wojtanowski.

Finding Nature in the City by Laura Buccieri
Laura Buccieri is a poet living in NYC. Her chapbook, On Being Mistaken, is forthcoming in 2017. Artwork by Jack Felice.

Litter For Solo Voice & Sandscape For A Small Expedition by Rebecca Eddy
Rebecca Eddy is a visual poet from Cornwall, England. Rebecca's visual work has been featured in a variety of journals, exhibitions, a chapbook and even a poster or two.

DUM DUM Zine is now open for visual submissions!
After more than 5 years of accepting literary submissions, we’re now opening up our parameters to visual art!

Stainless Steel Transubstantiation by Christopher Porcaro
Christopher Porcaro is an artist from Los Angeles. His first collection of poetry," Movable Parts," will be available soon. Instagram: @altar_cola

“I put on your old jacket and walked” by Thomas Davis
Thomas Davis is a full time scientist and part time writer who's currently working on developing more poetry concerning life from a scientist's perspective.

“LIPCHITZ” by Paul Siegell
Created entirely in the lo-fi of Microsoft Word, the following vispo spreads are from Paul Siegell's manuscript, JACQUES LIPCHITZ, which is a book-length visual love poem built upon typographical recreations of the artist’s sculptural biography.

3 HYBRIDS, by Melissa McDaniel
Melissa McDaniel is Brooklyn-based writer and editor. She runs Get Lit NYC, a guide for finding readings in NYC, and she tweets at @melissamcd29.